31 December 2010
19 December 2010
Ketahui sama ada anda mampu menjadi seorang USAHAWAN!
Adakah dalam list anda yang anda terfikir untuk manjalankan PERNIAGAAN?!
Sekiranya jawapan anda 'Ya', anda berada di landasan yang tepat. Banyak yang perlu anda fikirkan sebelum memulakan perniagaan ini. Untuk berjaya dalam perniagaan, kita perlukan tanggunjawab keinginan dan kemahuan yang tinggi.
Langkah yang pertama, periksa hati anda. Adakah anda dah bersedia untuk memulakan perniagaan ini? Dan bukannya atas idea, arahan atau paksaan dari orang lain. Pastikan ianya mestilah dari hati sendiri.
Tiga persoalan yang perlu anda fikirkan sebelum memulakan perniagaan kecil-kecilan:
Langkah yang pertama, periksa hati anda. Adakah anda dah bersedia untuk memulakan perniagaan ini? Dan bukannya atas idea, arahan atau paksaan dari orang lain. Pastikan ianya mestilah dari hati sendiri.
Tiga persoalan yang perlu anda fikirkan sebelum memulakan perniagaan kecil-kecilan:
- Adakah anda ingin menjalankan perniagaan ini sendiri?
Membuat semua keputusan dan bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya atas perniagaan anda - Adakah anda sanggup bekerja keras dan berkorban untuk segala keperluan diawal perniagaan ini?
- Adakah anda mempunyai keyakinan diri dan displin diri?
Dimana ia akan membuat anda bersungguh-sungguh dalam membina perniagaan sehingga berjaya.
Sekiranya anda menjawab 'TIDAK' pada semua soalan diatas, ini bermakna anda belum bersedia untuk membuat atau memulakan perniagaan.
Dan sekiranya anda memberi jawapan yang positif pada soalan-soalan tersebut, ini bermakna anda telah bersedia untuk berfikir dengan serius bagi memulakan perniagaan.
Ada beberapa sifat dan sikap yang membuat seseorang itu sesuai untuk menjalankan perniagaan ini yang berjaya berbanding dengan orang lain;
- Ketekunan, kegigihan dan ketabahan yang ada pada diri kita
- Keinginan yang kuat
- Kemahuan untuk mengambil inisiatif
- Bersifat bersaingan
- Percaya pada diri sendiri
- Kekuatan yang kuat untuk berjaya
- Keyakinan diri
- Kesihatan yang baik
Ikutilah nasihat yang diberikan oleh Warren Buffet, DUIT bukan segala-galanya. Untuk mendapat KEKAYAAN adalah hasil daripada kepercayaan pada DIRI SENDIRI dan cipta kejayaan.
DUIT diperlukan, bukan yang UTAMA dan jika meletakkan DUIT pada tempat yang pertama kita akan dibelenggu oleh masalah. Berikut adalah pesanan daripada Warren Buffet (orang ketiga terkaya di dunia) ;
Warren Buffet
Stay away from credit cards and bank loans and invest in yourself. REMEMBER:
1: Money does not create man BUT it is the man who create money
2.: Live your life as simple as you are
3: Don't do what other people say, just listen to them, but do what you feel good.
-Warren Buffet
sumber: irfankhairi.com newsletter
14 December 2010
eBay Offers Integrated Fedex Package-Tracking
It's important for sellers to upload tracking information to eBay in order to provide buyers with peace of mind and so eBay can see if and when the seller shipped the item to the customer in the event of a claim.
ShipRush's shipping management solution is integrated with eBay, so tracking numbers for FedEX as well as USPS and UPS are automatically uploaded to a seller's account. ShipRush is also integrated with Amazon and Yahoo Stores, shopping cart providers, as well as accounting and CRM software and online payment services.
There's no indication that eBay has added FedEx to the shipping calculator, however. Currently eBay only supports UPS and USPS in the calculator.
Source: AuctionBytes.com
1 December 2010
Yahoo! 2010 Top 10 Searches
Top 10 Searches
- BP Oil Spill
- World Cup
- Miley Cyrus
- Kim Kardashian
- Lady Gaga
- iPhone
- Megan Fox
- Justin Bieber
- American Idol
- Britney Spears
A man-made disaster, a global sport, pop culture's leading ladies (and one young gent), and gadgets starting with an "i."
Since 2001, Yahoo! has been tallying up the top searches of the year, providing a snapshot of a culture in motion. Over the past decade, the No. 1 slot has been occupied by companies (music download service Kazaa), TV shows ("American Idol"), and celebrities (Britney Spears, often). In 2010, some 631 million people checked in. Among the billions of queries they pursued, the story of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill led the year's top 10 -- the first time that a news story has taken the No. 1 slot.
Following the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion that killed 11 on April 20, the gushing crude took 86 days to cap. The live feed from the ocean floor became must-watch viewing, as massive online scrutiny monitored best (and not so best) efforts to kill the well and stop the worst spill in marine history. Besides igniting the issue of workplace safety, the disaster became a lightning rod for people's feelings about America's energy policies, big government, billionaire CEOs, environmental protection, and technological safety.
Another event did distract from the drama 5,000 miles deep in the Macondo Prospect. South Africa, the first African nation to host the FIFA World Cup, welcomed 32 nations in a global tournament of men's soccer. People took an online crash course in the sport, learning about the rules of the game, the major players (and outrageous referees), the octopus oracle, and native horns that just wouldn't quit. The summer break brought productivity to a standstill and landed the World Cup in second place on our top 10 searches.
Dizzying tech advances belied a bad economy. The iPhone's fourth coming captivated naysaying geeks and covetous consumers alike, and beat out the iPad in searches. An accidental sneak peek unfolded like a joke ("So this engineer walks into a bar..."), but ended in record lines at stores. High-tech drama stimulated an already frenzied Mac cult (which was also tracking the Apple iPad), and pushed the iPhone into the No. 6 slot.
Filling out the other top 10 spots? Guilty pleasures like "American Idol," the Web-spun music artist Justin Bieber (in his first top 10 appearance), and a bevy of pop culture's young leading ladies -- Megan Fox, Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga -- who could give lessons in the art of the manufactured self.
What's notable isn't just what commanded people's online vigilance the most, but who almost dropped from the list. For years Britney Spears dominated the top 10, but she tumbled from her No. 1 spot to No. 5 in 2009. This year -- a relatively quiet one for the music superstar -- she hung in at No. 10.
Is the end near for Spears? Don't count her out yet. Dive deep into the top searches and stories of 2010, and get a glimpse at what lies ahead.
source: --Vera H-C Chan, yahoo.com
What is drop shipping / dropship?
Drop shipping is becoming famous as the method is widely use in online business especiall eBay.
What is Drop shipping? Here is some info, from wikipedia.
Drop shipping is a supply chain management technique in which the retailer does not keep goods in stock, but instead transfers customer orders and shipment details to either the manufacturer or a wholesaler, who then ships the goods directly to the customer. As in all retail businesses, the retailers make their profit on the difference between the wholesale and retail price.
Some drop shipping retailers may keep “show” items on display in stores, so that customers can inspect an item similar to those that they can purchase. Other retailers may provide only a catalogue or website.
Retailers that drop ship merchandise from wholesalers may take measures to hide this fact to avoid any stigma, or to keep the wholesale source from becoming widely known. This can be achieved by “blind shipping” (shipping merchandise without a return address), or “private label shipping” (having merchandise shipped from the wholesaler with a return address customized to the retailer). A customized packing slip may also be included by the wholesaler, indicating the retailer’s company name, logo, and/or contact information.
Small business
Drop shipping can occur when a small retailer who typically sells in small quantities to the general public receives a single large order for a product. Rather than route the shipment through the retail store, the retailer may arrange for the goods to be shipped directly to the customer. Drop shipping is also very common with big ticket items like steel buildings where the retailer will take a deposit and have the building shipped direct to the buyer’s building site from the supplier’s manufacturing facility.
Online auctions
Many sellers on online auction sites, such as eBay, also drop ship. Often, a seller will list an item as new and ship the item directly from the wholesaler to the highest bidder. The seller profits from the difference between the winning bid and the wholesale price, minus any selling and merchant fees from the auction site. A seller is permitted to list items that are currently not in his/her own possession, provided that he/she follows eBay’s policy on pre-sale items.
Custom products
An emerging trend in the drop ship business is private label drop shipping, in which a manufacturer produces a custom item for a retailer and drop ships it. The range of private label drop shipped items varies from simple keychains and t-shirts with custom logos or pictures to customized formulations for vitamins and nutritional supplements.
Two significant benefits of drop shipping are the elimination of upfront inventory and a positive cash-flow cycle. A positive cash flow cycle occurs because the seller is paid when the purchase is made. The seller usually pays the wholesaler using a credit card or credit terms. Therefore, there is a period of time in which the seller has the customer’s money, but has not yet paid the wholesaler.
Drop shipping also eliminates some duplication of effort, since only one warehouse will pick, pack and ship the product. This approach can reduce total inventory management and shipping costs. These cost reductions can subsequently reduce the price to the consumer.
As in any business, some risks are involved in drop shipping. For example, back ordering may occur when a seller places a shipment request with a wholesaler, but the product is sold out. Back ordering may be accompanied by a long wait for a shipment while the wholesaler waits for new products, which may reflect badly on the retailer. A good wholesaler will keep retailers updated, but it is the business owner’s job to be aware of the quantities that the wholesaler has available.
Drop shipping has also featured prominently in some Internet-based home business scams. Scam artists will promote drop shipping as a lucrative ‘work from home opportunity’. The victim who buys into this scam will be sold a list of businesses from which drop-shipment orders can be placed. These businesses may not be wholesalers, but other businesses or individuals acting as middlemen between retailers and wholesalers, with no product of their own to sell. These middlemen often charge prices that leave little profit margin for the victim, and require a regular fee for the retailer’s usage of their services.
Anda Seorang Peniaga atau Usahawan?
"Berguru Kepalang Datar Dapat Rusa Berbelang Di Kaki, Berguru Kepalang Ajar Bagai Bunga Kembang Tak Jadi".....kata-kata drpd Pendita Zaaba..
Ada orang mengatakan Perniagaan itu sesuatu yang "biasa" atau "common sense"..... Asal ada keinginan serta duit yang cukup sudah memadai untuk memulakan perniagaan. Jika benar maksudnya perniagaan itu hanyalah sebagai sesuatu untuk "cari makan" sahaja.
Apa maksudnya?
Maksudnya disini, mereka yang menjalankan perniagaan hanya sekadar mencari rezki untuk keperluan sahaja. Jika keperluan harian mereka RM50 sehari untuk menampung makan, minum, minyak kenderaan......kebanyakan mereka hanya fokus kepada usaha untuk mendapatkan RM50 yang PERTAMA sahaja. Dan jika matlamat itu tercapai maka mereka akan berpuas hati.
Senario jika mereka mendapat lebih daripada yang dijangkakan?
Macam mana pula jika sehari berniaga mereka mendapat RM100, RM150 dan RM200? Ada dua keadaan;
PERTAMA membuatkan mereka kuat semangat dan rajin untuk berniaga. Jika keadaan ini berlaku bukan sahaja menguntungkan kepada perniagaan malahan akan memberikan keyakinan kepada pelanggan. KEDUA mereka akan tutup perniagaan mereka sehari, dua hari atau tiga hari sebab matlamat mereka sudah dipenuhi.. Sebab itu banyak keadaan berlaku dimana gerai-gerai peniaga kadangkala buka..kadangkala tutup...tidak konsisten....
Ini bukan teori...tetapi ini antara intipati yang dikupas oleh mentor jutawan dalam siri sebelumnya... Ia menegaskan beza antara peniaga dan usahawan adalah cara pemikiran mereka. Peniaga memikirkan cara untuk "cari makan"....Usahawan berfikir cara untuk "mencari untung" dua matlamat yang berbeza melahirkan kesan yang berbeza....ANDA memilih yang mana satu?
sumber: irfankhairi
26 November 2010
What is Paypal? How Paypal Works?
PayPal is the world's most popular "middleman service" for online purchasing. Where moneygrams and wire transfers were the standard in the 20th century, today over 99 million Internet users prefer to use PayPal to send money to each other via email. PayPal has become such a convenient and trusted way to transfer money online, 95% of eBay's purchases go through PayPal.
How PayPal Works.
As an online financial transaction broker, PayPal lets people send money to each other's email addresses. At no time will either party see the other's credit card or bank information.
Similar to an escrow service, PayPal acts as the middleman holder of money. Through its policies, practices, and business integrity, PayPal has earned the trust of both parties. With multiple guarantees in place, buyers and sellers entrust PayPal with their credit card and bank information. PayPal keeps that private customer information secret. Then, while "blinded" from the other party's confidential information, strangers safely send money to each other through PayPal and email.
PayPal Requirements
You need no special technology nor a business license to send/receive money through Paypal. The only requirements are:
How PayPal Works.
As an online financial transaction broker, PayPal lets people send money to each other's email addresses. At no time will either party see the other's credit card or bank information.
Similar to an escrow service, PayPal acts as the middleman holder of money. Through its policies, practices, and business integrity, PayPal has earned the trust of both parties. With multiple guarantees in place, buyers and sellers entrust PayPal with their credit card and bank information. PayPal keeps that private customer information secret. Then, while "blinded" from the other party's confidential information, strangers safely send money to each other through PayPal and email.
PayPal Requirements
You need no special technology nor a business license to send/receive money through Paypal. The only requirements are:
- a valid email address.
- a valid credit card or bank account.
Beginners Guide to eBay
Why eBay?
eBay has been around for more than a decade now, but there are still lots of people talking about the entrepreneurial opportunities it provides. The question is – is it really so special? And if so, why?
eBay has proved to be a very lucrative market for many sellers, especially those who have forged out their own niche. It certainly isn’t a get rich quick scheme – just like any other business it requires hard work and dedication. But an eBay business doesn’t necessarily have to make you a millionaire to be beneficial: the lifestyle benefits are pretty good on their own! Working from home, being your own boss, and having the freedom to choose something to sell you are passionate about, are all great reasons why selling on eBay either part or full time, is a fantastic way to earn money. What makes eBay different from any other business model is that you don’t need much capital to get started - anyone with $50 to invest can get a business underway on eBay. Let us tell you a bit more about what’s involved:
Here’s what you’ll need to start an eBay business – and it’s surprisingly little!
- An up-to-date computer
- A digital camera
- High speed Internet connection
- A phone
- Shipping supplies (i.e. boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, tape measure, postal charts & scales)
Go to www.eBay.com and click the Register link at the top of the page. If you are already browsing, this link will appear at the top of every page in eBay until you have registered.
Fill in your details. You will be required to enter your email address, residential address and phone number.
Then you’ll be asked to choose a user ID. Your eBay user ID is what everyone will see who deals with you. Make sure that you choose an ID that you like – after all, you will be using it from now on for all of your transactions!
eBay will suggest a number of options if your ID is taken, but most people like to create their own. It’s a great idea to create an ID that reflects your business. For example, redhousejewelry.
Once you have entered your details, you will need to open your email, find the welcome email from eBay, and click the verification link.
You’ll then just need to re-enter your email address and copy and paste in the unique confirmation code into the eBay web page. Once this is done, you are immediately able to bid and buy.
Find something to sell
When you first start off on eBay, I recommend just selling something you’ve got lying around the house. It could be clothing or jewelry you no longer wear, the children's old toys, an appliance or piece of furniture.
Once you’ve found something, check with eBay’s guidelines to determine whether or not it’s actually allowed to be sold on eBay permissible (some items, like food, weapons and event tickets have selling restrictions or are prohibited).
Another thing you’ll want to do is get an idea of how much your item usually sells for on eBay, so you know what price to list it for. You can easily see how much similar items have sold for by searching eBay’s completed listings.
To access this feature, just type in a product search as normal, then, when the first results appear, scroll down the left hand Refine Search panel, until you reach the Preferences section. Under ‘Show only’ you’ll see a box for Completed Listings. Check this box – if you aren’t already logged in, eBay will now ask you to do so – and all the completed listings in the past two weeks will display.
Listings with a green price are those that were successfully sold. Listing with a red price are items that finished without a sale.
By scrolling through and looking at this data, you can quickly ascertain two things (a) whether your item is likely to sell (if there are more green prices than red), and (b) how much the item sells for on average.
You can also see whether other sellers of this item have more success with Buy It Now or auction format.
All in all, looking at completed listings should be a fundamental part of any eBay sellers’ preparation. It will help you avoid common mistakes such as listing at a price that’s too low or too high and wasting money listing an item that isn’t very popular.
If you are going to list an item that isn’t a run-of-the mill household item, but an antique or collectible, then it would be a good idea to get a professional valuation before listing it on eBay. Proper authentication will also encourage collectors to bid.
Finally, another very important reason for starting your eBay career by selling a few things from around the house is that, initially, buyers are likely to be reluctant to purchase anything of great value from a new seller. Building feedback is a really important part of establishing your credibility, so it’s worth starting now to work on reaching at least 30 positive feedbacks before you move into buying and reselling wholesale lots.
Tip: Buying some things off eBay is also a good way to get your feedback up quickly!
Start Selling!
Click on the Sell link from the top of the eBay page you are currently browsing.
At the end of the process of listing your first item, you’ll be asked to do three things:
- Verify your identity by providing credit or debit card information, or by going through the ID verify option (this costs US$5).
- Select how you will sell your eBay seller fees (Options are: PayPal, credit card, debit card or businesses can pay by check).
- Select which payment options you will accept from your buyers: PayPal, ProPay, Moneybookers, Paymate, Merchant credit card, Payment upon pickup.
Okay, so you’re now ready to start listing your first item. Although you can save your listing draft at anytime and come back to it later, it’s easiest just to make sure you have everything ready when you start.
You will need:
- Between 3-5 good photos of the item you are going to sell. You can use more or less, but this is usually a good number.
- All the important details about your item: Brand, dimensions, model number, whether it has a warranty, any damage, color, age and so forth.
- The shipping cost. You can check what other sellers are charging for the item, or take a look at the post office website for your country. It’s very important not to undercharge on shipping, otherwise you’ll end up losing money; on the other hand, you don’t want to overcharge either, otherwise your listing will end up further down the search results and be less attractive to buyers.
The first thing you’ll need to do is type in a brief description of the item you’re going to sell. Once you’ve done that, click Start Selling, and eBay will ask you to login in again. This is a security measure, just to make sure you are really you!
eBay will now provide a list of suggested categories for the item. All you have to do is check the one that best fits your item.
Click Continue.
Creating a title
Next you’ll be asked to create a title for your listing. The listing title is what people will see first when they are browsing eBay’s listings, so it’s important to think about what will be the most useful information to present to prospective buyers.
Tip: Take a look at some other listings (both completed and live) for the same/or a similar item to get some ideas.
Here’s an example of a good title for a camera: Nikon Coolpix L4 digital camera 6.2 megapixel.
This title clearly describes the most important attributes of the camera, and will appear in the search results for important keywords that potential buyers will search for, such as: ‘camera’, ‘digital camera’, ‘nikon camera’, ‘digital’, ‘Nikon Coolpix’, ‘Nikon coolpix L4’, ‘6.2 megapixel camera’, and so on.
You can also add a subtitle, but this is more of an advanced feature for sellers who have got extra killer benefits, worth the additional cost.
Item Specifics
The next step is to add items specifics, using the drop-down menus. Item specifics are things like the brand, model and color of the item. It’s really important that you add as many of these as you can, because eBay’s search engine uses item specifics to help match potential buyers with your listing. If you don’t make the effort to add these details, your listing may be deemed less relevant and be placed in a lower search rank.
Adding Pictures
You’ll want to have about 3 good quality photos to add to your listing. The easiest way is to take a few shots on your digital camera, edit them in a program like Picasa, and save in a folder on your Desktop for easy retrieval.
When you come to this step of your eBay listing, click Add Pictures, and then Browse to locate the pictures on your computer. Add all the pictures you want to upload and then click the Upload button.
Make sure you take advantage of adding a free gallery picture to your item. Checking this box means that the first photo you uploaded will display beside the listing title in the search results. A gallery picture is a proven way to increase the number of buyers who will click through to view your full listing.
Note: Gallery is free on eBay.com, however sellers on eBay’s global sites may have to pay a fee for this feature. We still recommend adding a gallery picture unless you are seriously short on cash.
Writing a Description
Once again, checking out other similar listings is an excellent way of getting ideas for your own, paying particular attention to Top-Rated Sellers. That said, you should never copy someone else’s listing too closely, as this is plagiarism. An easy way to write a nice description is to list the main features in benefits in bullet-point form. Don’t forget to include the item’s condition at the top of your listing. You should also include a few sentences with information about the shipping and payment services you offer, and any warranties or guarantees that come with the item.
A great listing description will describe the benefits of the item (i.e. why the buyer’s life will be so much better with the item!) and even include a little bit of information about your own background, especially if you have some expertise in the area.
Choose the selling format
Next, choose how you want to sell the item. The auction-style listing is great for your first listing, as it’s really exciting watching the bidding war take place. If you have a low starting price (recommended), then you’ll also attract maximum interest. On the other hand, the Buy it Now for is good if you know how much you want to get for the item or if you have several of the same item available. You can also do both: Have an auction running, and a Buy It Now (BIN) price as well. The BIN price will disappear once the first bid has been made.
Listing duration
The next step is to choose a listing duration. 7 days is the default, and generally the best option as it gives plenty of time for lots of buyers to view your listing. However, in some cases a longer or shorter time is better; for example, if you have a really high-demand item, like an iPod, then 3 days can work well. On the other hand, 10 days is worth considering for a big-ticket item like an art-work or a collectible, as potential buyers often need more time to make a decision that involves a significant financial investment.
Accepted payments
Now it’s time to choose how your buyers can pay you. These are the options you can offer:
- PayPal
- ProPay
- Moneybookers
- Paymate
- Credit card or debit card processed through the seller's Internet merchant account
- Payment upon pickup
- Bill Me Later
Choosing what shipping options you’ll offer your buyer is your next task. Will you post the item out? Or do you only offer pick-up? Casual sellers often use pick-up, especially for cumbersome items like furniture. But if you’re going pro, then you’ll definitely want to postage, so that your item is available to as many buyers as possible.
You can choose whether you want to calculate postage cost based on the location of the buyer, or offer the same cost to all buyers. If you are selling to buyers just in your country, and the item is fairly small and light-weight, then the same cost will usually be okay. A calculated postage cost is essential when you ship internationally or are selling a unusually sized or overweight item.
Select which postal carriers you want to use, these will vary depending on your country. For US eBay sellers, USPS generally offers the cheapest postal rates, but it’s best to compare all the main services by visiting their websites before you select one.
You will note that the location your eBay account is registered at will show up as the default item location.
Tip: If you are drop shipping, you should change this to the location of the drop shipper.
Finally (for this page anyway!) you can choose to offer a returns policy (again, this is a good idea for pro sellers, not so important if you are just selling a few bits around the house), and add any additional checkout instructions if you have them.
eBay will now show you your listing fees so far at the bottom of the page, before you click continue.
Listing upgrades
On the next page, you get another chance to add any listing upgrades. The purpose of these upgrades is to help make your listing more visible. When you start selling seriously, it’s a good idea to spend some time testing these upgrades and finding out whether they make any difference to your final profit. However, there’s no real reason to use them for a casual listing.
You also get a chance to preview how your listing will appear in the search results. And below that, your entire listing. If you spot any mistakes, now is the time to fix them before you go live!
List your item! (Or create your seller's account)
Normally, following this review you will see a button to List your Item to make it live on eBay. However, since this is the first time you are selling on eBay, you’ll be asked to set up your sellers account first. Click Continue.
At this point, you’ll be asked to sign in again as a security measure. Then, you’ll need to choose how you are going to pay your seller fees from one of the following options (the information below is taken from eBay’s help page http://pages.ebay.com/help/sell/questions/selling-fees.html)
- PayPal: Your amount due will automatically be deducted from the PayPal account that you select for automatic payments.
- Automatic credit card payments: eBay will automatically charge your fees directly to the credit card you place on file (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover Card). Your credit card is usually charged five to seven days after you receive your invoice.
- Direct pay from your checking account: eBay will automatically deduct your seller fees from your checking account on the same day each month.
- Check (for business only): Submit a payment coupon along with your check and mail it to the address on the coupon.
- One-time payment: Even if you have scheduled automatic payments, you can make a one-time payment using Direct Pay, a credit card, or your PayPal account. It’s best to make one-time payments at least 5 days before the scheduled automatic payment to avoid duplicate payments.
Then, you’ll need to provide a credit or debit card to verify your identity. If you don’t wish to do this, then you can use eBay’s ID Verify option, which costs US$5.
Once you’ve completed these steps, and created your sellers account, you can list your item. You’ll immediately receive an email saying that you item has been successfully listed, and you can keep track of activity via My eBay.
Tracking your listing’s activity
Whenever you want to see how your listing is doing – whether there have been many viewers or bidders – just login to eBay and click the My eBay link from the menu at the top of any page. From here you can easily view all of your active listings, answer buyer’s questions, see how many people are watching your listing and how many have placed bids.
Whenever an activity takes place that requires your action – for example, someone asks a question about your item, or the item sells - you’ll also be sent an email.
Hooray! A sale
When your listing is successfully completed with a sale, an email is automatically sent from eBay to the buyer with your payment instructions. When you receive the buyer’s payment, leave positive feedback and ship the item out as soon as possible.
Feedback isn’t compulsory for any eBay user, but as it’s very important to your reputation as a seller, you should give feedback to your buyer as soon as possible to encourage them to reciprocate.
If the item doesn’t sell, then eBay will send you an email giving you the opportunity to re-list your item.
10 Smart Selling Strategies for Maximum eBay Profit
- Use the Completed Listings tool to research your item’s success rate and average selling price before you list.
- Make sure your title includes at least five important keywords or numbers that potential buyers are likely to search for.
- Always spell-check your title and description before listing. (Writing it in Word and then copying and pasting into eBay is the best way). Misspellings make your item much harder for buyers to find.
- Spend time taking decent photographs of your item against a plain background with good lighting. Use a free editing program like Picasa for minor editing. Make sure your final pictures are at least 1000 pixels on the longest side, and/or have a dpi of at least 90. Edited photos are a proven way of increasing the chances your item will sell successfully.
- Don’t end your auction after midnight. The more people online when your auction is closing, the more bids you are likely to receive.
- Test Auction format against Buy It Now, and see which strategy gives you the greatest profit.
- Ship the item out to your buyer as soon as possible. The longer they have to wait to receive it, the more likely they are to give negative feedback.
- Take advantage of the Search Visibility Analysis tool in My eBay to pinpoint ways to get your listings in front of more potential buyers.
- Make a point of providing excellent communication: Answer questions within a couple of hours of receiving them if possible; Thank the buyer for their payment; Email them to let them know you have shipped the item; Follow up a few days later to check they received the item and are satisfied with it (also a good opportunity to remind them to leave feedback).
- Read eBay’s Becoming a Better Seller section for some great advice on ways to improve your sales:
this article is taken from salehoo.com
25 November 2010
Miliki Dot Com Anda Sediri, Cuma RM35 jer!
Nama domain merujuk kepada alamat website anda di internet contohnya mra-itrade.com. Ia untuk memudahkan pelawat mengingati cara ke laman web anda.
Kini anda boleh memiliki domain anda sendiri seperti 'namaanda.com', 'syarikatanda.com' dan berbagai lagi dengan hanya RM35 setahun, harga yang pada saya sangat berpatutan. Sangat murah jika hendak dibandingkan dengan 'impression' yang anda akan perolehi dengan memiliki dot com anda sendiri lebih-lebih lagi jika anda menjalankan perniagaan sendiri, ia akan nampak profesional.
Servis domain hosting ini disediakan oleh syarikat jomhost seperti link dibawah dan pengalaman saya menggunakan perkhidmatan mereka sangat baik. Saya hanya perlu mengisi borang yang 'simple', membuat bayaran melalui maybank2u dan tak sampai sejam mereka telah membalas email saya dan domain mra-itrade.com telah sedia untuk digunakan. Selain itu jomhost juga ada menyediakan perkhidmatan membina laman web dan web hosting pada kadar yang berpatutan.
Kini, anda juga boleh memiliki domain dot com anda sendiri dengan mengklik link dibawah.
Cepat! sebelum orang lain rembat nama domain anda...
24 November 2010
Tightening of Package Screening to the US (Expect Shipping Delays)
Trading Advisory: Tightening of Package Screening to the US ( Expect Shipping Delays).
The recent foiled bomb plot from Yemen to United States has resulted in tightened screening of all cargo to USA.
The new security measures would potentially delay your shipments to buyers in the US. These are the immediate steps you need to take to minimize the impact and prevent Bad Buyer Experience :
- Open up all communications channels with the US buyers
- Leverage a sample shipping delay notification we have drafted in your communications to the US buyers
- Include tracking information lets both you and your buyers easily check on the status of your packages and reduces the need for buyers to send you questions about shipping.
- Proactively inform the US buyers about the possible delay in your shipments
- Add in additional days of handling time to the US
- Put a notice on listing description; informing the US buyers of the situation and provide your contact details
- If you sell multiple items, do not combine the shipment. Ship your items individually to facilitate smoother delivery; communicate to the US buyer accordingly.
- If the item has been shipped out of your country; contact the US buyer immediately and inform him of possible shipping delays.
Sample shipping delay notification:
Dear eBay customer,
Thank you for your recent purchase of (name of item) on eBay. We would like to inform you that due to the recent foiled bomb plot from Yemen to United States has resulted in tightened screening of all cargo to USA. The new security measures would potentially delay our shipments to you in the US.
You would be continuously be updated on the progress of the shipments via email and My Messages. Alternatively, you can track the progress of the shipment from this url (provide the url of the site which you have uploaded the tracking number) and be updated on the delivery date of your item.
Should you have more questions regarding the delivery of your item, you can contact us at this email address (provide email address) and mobile number (provide mobile number).
Thank you for your patience. We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Thank you for shopping with us at eBay.
Name of Seller
Source: eBay SEA team
9 November 2010
Personal Coaching Dari Ebay Powerseller?????
Akhir-akhir ini, saya banyak menerima email bertanyakan personal coaching ebay.
Saya juga berasakan perlunya saya berkongsi pengetahuan dan pengalaman saya kepada mereka di luar sana yang ingin menjana pendapatan di eBay terutama kepada mereka yang belum mempunyai asas berniaga di eBay.
Sekiranya anda berminat untuk menyertai personal coaching dari saya, sila hubungi saya melalui email, ghaq341@gmail.com
Berikut adalah screen-shoot pendapatan yang diperolehi dari ebay account saya:
Saya juga berasakan perlunya saya berkongsi pengetahuan dan pengalaman saya kepada mereka di luar sana yang ingin menjana pendapatan di eBay terutama kepada mereka yang belum mempunyai asas berniaga di eBay.
Sekiranya anda berminat untuk menyertai personal coaching dari saya, sila hubungi saya melalui email, ghaq341@gmail.com
Berikut adalah screen-shoot pendapatan yang diperolehi dari ebay account saya:
Feedback buyer dari Account 1 setakat ini:
Feedback buyer dari Account 2 setakat ini:
Carta Sales dari ebay Account 1
Carta Sales dari ebay Account2
Carta Sales ebay Acc 1
Carta Sales ebay Account2
8 November 2010
28 October 2010
Bagaimana "mencuri" trafik daripada eBay?
Pada hari pertama pelancaran Pakej Jana Trafik eBay
semalam, sudah hampir 10% daripada kuota harga
tawaran hebat pelancaran telah "disambar" oleh
usahawan-usahawan internet yang mahu mengubah hidup
mereka dan mempelajari strategi trafik rahsia yang
belum pernah didedahkan oleh sesiapa sebelum ini!
Jika kadar ini berterusan, Insya-Allah kuota harga
tawaran hebat sempena pelancaran Pakej Jana Trafik
eBay akan habis dalam masa lebih kurang 1 minggu lagi!
Jika anda sudah mendapatkan pakej hebat ini - tahniah
saya ucapkan. Jika anda belum mendapatkannya, saya harap
anda tidak melepaskan peluang ini.
Pakej Jana Trafik eBay ini telah di hasilkan oleh rakan saya saudara Eruwan Gerry khas
untuk Penjual di eBay, Usahawan Internet yang memiliki
laman web sendiri dan juga Affiliate Marketer yang
ingin mempelajari strategi "mencuri" trafik daripada
portal e-Dagang #1 dunia iaitu eBay untuk membantu
meningkatkan pengunjung dan keuntungan perniagaan anda.
Berikut adalah bukti-bukti dari salah satu ebay account saya setakat ini:
Kunjungi laman web berikut SEKARANG!
20 October 2010
New Ebay Selling Limits May Change Ebay Forever
October 2010, eBay has changed it's policy once again, this time it seems quite serious! The Internet is alive with reports on blogs and forums about these new eBay selling limits. It is not yet clear what effect this will have an exactly which sellers this will effect. If you read the eBay website it seems to suggest that these new selling limits should only effect sellers with new accounts with a selling history of less than 90 days. If you read the forums and blogs you will see stories from sellers who have been selling on eBay for the past 5-10 years and have thousands of positive feedback that are saying now eBay has put limits on the amount of items they can sell in a 30 day period. For people who make a living selling items on eBay, this policy has the potential to be devastating. With this new policy it will make it extremely difficult for new sellers to start a profitable eBay business. New sellers will be limited to 10 sales per 30 day period, until they establish a good selling history. It will take an awful long time to establish a selling history when you can only sell 10 items per month. This will certainly discourage many people from marketing their products on eBay, as it might take months or even years to establish enough selling history to make a decent living.
New sellers are now limited to 10 items sold per 30 day period. The total amount of combined items sold and items listed can not exceed 10 items. Other sellers can expect a limit of 100 items sold per 30 day period. It is not clear exactly which sellers will be effected by these limits, but so far there are many reports from sellers in South East Asia that their accounts have been subjected to these limits. There are also reports from sellers in Europe and USA who have also been effected by this. Apparently these limits will increase once the seller has established a better selling history, however it may be impossible for sellers to acheive the ratings that eBay demands. Sellers from Asia have a severe disadvantage due to the detailed seller ratings. Sellers are given ratings for communication, item as described, shipping time and shipping charges. The problem is, when buyers buy items from overseas, they will never leave a good rating for shipping time and shipping charges because it will cost more and take longer than it would if they bought items from American sellers. It is actually possible to have your eBay account restricted or even suspended for poor customer satisfaction, even when you have 100% positive feedback.
These new policies could spell then end for a lot of sellers, especially Asian sellers. The sellers most likely to be effected are the sellers who sell lower cost items, replica items and counterfeit items.If these sellers are forced off eBay, you can expect the prices of many popular items to increase dramatically. The days of the amazing deals on eBay might have come to an end. It will no longer be possible for sellers to sell these low cost items in large enough quantity to make it worthwhile. The restrictions on the numbers of items sellers can sell, directly effect the amount of revenue eBay gets from final value fees. I am guessing that eBay stock price will drop and the prices of eBay items will increase to the point where there is no value shopping on eBay.
Well it is not clear what they hope to achieve with this new policy, many people think they are shooting themselves in the foot. This might get rid of most of the scammers on eBay, unfortunately for every scammer that is removed, there will probably be 5-10 legit sellers that are also forced out. They clearly must realize that this is going to cost them money in the short term, and it will also present new opportunity for their competition. The have never really had any competition, but this might just open the door for a real competitor. There is a huge demand for low cost replica and counterfeit items, and if people can no longer find these items on eBay, they will look elsewhere. There are plenty of websites selling these items, but the problem is that buyers have been more comfortable purchasing these items on eBay, well if these items are no longer affordable on eBay,they will look elsewhere. This might just be an opportunity for sellers to market their product on their own websites.
This aricle is taken from hubpages.com
12 October 2010
Bagaimana Mendapatkan Feedback Percuma di eBay!
Saya pasti kepada mereka yang ingin menjadi penjual di ebay pasti mengeluh ketika ingin memulakan bisnes ini kerana masalah kekurangan feedback. Bila feedback zero amat sukar untuk mendapat jualan kerana buyer2 ebay kurang yakin dengan kredibiliti kita sebagai penjual.
Jadi saya ingin kongsikan teknik yang biasanya saya gunakan untuk mengumpul feedback secara mudah dan murah(dan biasanya percuma) melalui ebay Malaysia.
1.Gunakan ebay.com.my, search keyword 'card' atau 'clip' atau 'stamp' atau 'setem'
2.Sortkan(sort by:) result yang anda perolehi kepada 'Price: lowest first'
3.Pilih free postage, caranya pergi ke menu bar sebelah kiri dan pilih 'free postage'
Biasanya saya akan Buy it now barangan yang berharga RM1 Free Shipping. Selepas membeli saya akan menghantar mesej kepada penjual yang saya cuma ingin bertukar2 feedback. Selepas checkout saya terus mark 'payment sent' dan meninggalkan positif feedback selepas penjual tersebut tanda 'item shipped'.
Dan kebiasaannya saya akan menerima balasan feedback dari penjual tersebut tak sampai 24 jam tanpa perlu membayar sesenpun. Ini kerana sudah ada semacam 'mutual understanding' dikalangan penjual2 di ebay Malaysia ni yang buat listing sebegini memang kebiasaannya ingin bertukar2 feedback tetapi secara tersirat.
Kadang2 tu ada jugak seller yang dah letak ayat2 hint2 nak tukar2 feedback. Bukan apa ebay akan remove dan kadang2 terus suspend kalau mendapati kita menjual feedback. So nak letak perkataan feedback tu pun ramai yang berhati-hati, lagi2 kalau yang dah banyak kali akaun kena suspend.
Tapi hati-hati, pastikan transaksi tu nampak real. Selepas beli bagi gap1-2 hari baru tinggalkan feedback. Selain itu, kita juga boleh browse kategori everything else>other, kat sini pun ramai yang buat listing barang2 RM1 untuk cari feedback.
Sekian, Selamat berebay dan saya alu2kan komen dari anda berkenaan topik ini.
Jadi saya ingin kongsikan teknik yang biasanya saya gunakan untuk mengumpul feedback secara mudah dan murah(dan biasanya percuma) melalui ebay Malaysia.
1.Gunakan ebay.com.my, search keyword 'card' atau 'clip' atau 'stamp' atau 'setem'
2.Sortkan(sort by:) result yang anda perolehi kepada 'Price: lowest first'
3.Pilih free postage, caranya pergi ke menu bar sebelah kiri dan pilih 'free postage'
Biasanya saya akan Buy it now barangan yang berharga RM1 Free Shipping. Selepas membeli saya akan menghantar mesej kepada penjual yang saya cuma ingin bertukar2 feedback. Selepas checkout saya terus mark 'payment sent' dan meninggalkan positif feedback selepas penjual tersebut tanda 'item shipped'.
Dan kebiasaannya saya akan menerima balasan feedback dari penjual tersebut tak sampai 24 jam tanpa perlu membayar sesenpun. Ini kerana sudah ada semacam 'mutual understanding' dikalangan penjual2 di ebay Malaysia ni yang buat listing sebegini memang kebiasaannya ingin bertukar2 feedback tetapi secara tersirat.
Kadang2 tu ada jugak seller yang dah letak ayat2 hint2 nak tukar2 feedback. Bukan apa ebay akan remove dan kadang2 terus suspend kalau mendapati kita menjual feedback. So nak letak perkataan feedback tu pun ramai yang berhati-hati, lagi2 kalau yang dah banyak kali akaun kena suspend.
Tapi hati-hati, pastikan transaksi tu nampak real. Selepas beli bagi gap1-2 hari baru tinggalkan feedback. Selain itu, kita juga boleh browse kategori everything else>other, kat sini pun ramai yang buat listing barang2 RM1 untuk cari feedback.
Sekian, Selamat berebay dan saya alu2kan komen dari anda berkenaan topik ini.
24 September 2010
Cara jana pendapatan melalui Internet #2: Menulis dan menjual ebook di Internet!
Artikel ini dipetik dari irfankhairi.com
Di bawah ini artikel ke-2 bagaimana anda boleh menjana pendapatan melalui Internet dari rumah, iaitu dengan menghasilkan ebook anda. Salah satu sebab utama menajalankan perniagaan Internet adalah dapat meluangkan masa bersama keluarga.
Di bawah ini artikel ke-2 bagaimana anda boleh menjana pendapatan melalui Internet dari rumah, iaitu dengan menghasilkan ebook anda. Salah satu sebab utama menajalankan perniagaan Internet adalah dapat meluangkan masa bersama keluarga.
Cara jana pendapatan melalui Internet #2:
Menulis dan menjual ebook di Internet!
Menulis dan menjual ebook di Internet!
Artikel sebelum ini meneceritakan bagaimana anda boleh menjual produk informasi (produk yang paling laris di Internet) tanpa perlu menulis ebook. Anda boleh melakukannya dengan mendapatkan resell rights atau hak jualan semula sesuatu ebook, dan menjadi seperti pemilik ebook tersebut dan menjual ebook itu dan mendapat 100% daripada keuntungan.
Artikel hari ini pula adalah khas sekiranya anda berminat menghasilkan ebook anda sendiri, dan menjualnya di Internet. Ya, ini juga merupakan salah satu cara yang amat popular menjana pendapatan melalui Internet- menjual informasi hasil tulisan anda.
Ingin saya kongsikan sedikit pengalaman saya. Sebagai penulis, saya telah menghasilkan 5 buah buku yang di jual di kedai-kedai buku (bukan ebook). Termasuk, Rahsia Jutawan Internet Terbongkar, Soal Jawab Perniagaan Internet, Nota Motivasi & Nota Kewangan.
Kesemua buku tersebut mendapat sambutan yang amat hebat di kedai-kedai buku. Namun, sebagai penulis, kita hanya menerima royalti dalam 7%-10% sahaja bagi setiap jualan buku. Daripada hasil jualan sebuah buku, mungkin royalti yang diterima adalah kurang daripada RM1.50 untuk sebuah buku. Jika terjual 1,000 buah buku, pendapatan adalah RM1,500.
Tetapi, kehebatan ebook utama adalah, anda tidak menerima royalti seperti buku tradisional. Anda menerima keuntungan penuh! Oleh kerana tiada kos untuk mencetak ebook dan juga menghantar ebook (ebook di hantar melalui email sahaja kepada pelanggan), maka, tiada kos jualan untuk setiap ebook. Ini bermakna, sekiranya ebook dijual pada harga RM40, maka, anda mendapat RM40! Sekiranya 1,000 ebook terjual, maka pendapatan bukan RM1,500 seperti buku tradisional, tetapi RM40,000!
Yang mana pilihan anda?
Terdapat bebagai-bagai topikyang boleh dijadikan ebook. Terlalu banyak, terutamanya ebook berbahasa Malaysia. Tip saya adalah untuk anda melihat kepakaran, pengalaman dan juga pengetahuan anda dan ubahkannya menjadi ebook. Contoh topik-topik ebook untuk memberi idea kepada anda dan anda juga boleh hasilkan lebih banyak idea lagi adalah seperti:
- Kaedah melangsingkan bada dalam masa 60 hari!
- Pelajari cara memilih kereta terpakai suapaya anda tidak tertipu!
- 55 Resepi masakan Thailand yang mudah dan pantas untuk di hasilkan!
- Mentor Jutawan- Temubual bersama 8 ikon jutawan Malaysia
- Kaedah senaman pantas untuk membina badan.
- Pelajari kaedah bermain gitar dengan langkah 1-2-3
... Dan banyak lagi! Tidak kira apa sahaja industri anda, pastinya anda mempunyai topik untuk dikongsikan, dan perkongsian tersebut boleh dilakukan melalui ebook!
Teringat saya satu ketika dulu ketika mengendalikan workshop perniagaan Internet saya, seorang peserta mengaku bahawa beliau tidak mempunyai idea untuk menjual apa pun di Internet. Bila ditanya, industri apakah yang dirinya kini terlibat, jawapannya adalah, industri membuang sampah.
Tersentak juga saya kerana sering kali, saya sarankan peserta untuk lakukan perniagaan berkaitan dengan industri atau minat masing masing. Apabila mendengar jawapannya "Industri membuang sampah", saya sendiri tidak dapat sebarang idea apakah yang beliau boleh jual di Internet!
Saya minta peserta tersebut duduk terlebih dahulu dan ikuti segmen yang saya akan ceritakan tentang menjual produk informasi di Internet. Dengan harapan, beliau mendapat idea.
Sejurus selepas saya menceritakan bahawa informasi adalah produk terlaris dijual di Internet, dan memberi kebaikan-kebaikan lain menjual produk infomasi, peserta tersebut bangun semula dan berkata "Saya mempunyai idea nak jual apa di Internet. Saya akan menulis buku mengenai cara-cara kita boleh menambahkan pendapatan daripada sampah-sampah yang kita ada!"
Kisah tersebut sering menjadi peringatan kepada saya bahawa tidak kira apa jua industri atau minat, pastinya terdapat "produk informasi" yang boleh dihasilkan.
Lihat dalam diri anda sendiri, industri anda dan minat anda, apakah informasi yang anda boleh jual di Internet? Hasilkan ebook dan mula menjana pendapatan daripada Internet hari ini!
Tersentak juga saya kerana sering kali, saya sarankan peserta untuk lakukan perniagaan berkaitan dengan industri atau minat masing masing. Apabila mendengar jawapannya "Industri membuang sampah", saya sendiri tidak dapat sebarang idea apakah yang beliau boleh jual di Internet!
Saya minta peserta tersebut duduk terlebih dahulu dan ikuti segmen yang saya akan ceritakan tentang menjual produk informasi di Internet. Dengan harapan, beliau mendapat idea.
Sejurus selepas saya menceritakan bahawa informasi adalah produk terlaris dijual di Internet, dan memberi kebaikan-kebaikan lain menjual produk infomasi, peserta tersebut bangun semula dan berkata "Saya mempunyai idea nak jual apa di Internet. Saya akan menulis buku mengenai cara-cara kita boleh menambahkan pendapatan daripada sampah-sampah yang kita ada!"
Kisah tersebut sering menjadi peringatan kepada saya bahawa tidak kira apa jua industri atau minat, pastinya terdapat "produk informasi" yang boleh dihasilkan.
Lihat dalam diri anda sendiri, industri anda dan minat anda, apakah informasi yang anda boleh jual di Internet? Hasilkan ebook dan mula menjana pendapatan daripada Internet hari ini!
23 September 2010
Cara jana pendapatan melalui Internet #3: Internet membantu menggandakan pelanggan untuk perkhidmatan anda!
Cara jana pendapatan melalui Internet #3:
Internet membantu menggandakan pelanggan untuk perkhidmatan anda!
Internet membantu menggandakan pelanggan untuk perkhidmatan anda!
Ramai yang tanya pada saya, bagaimana Internet boleh membantu perniagaan bukan Internet mereka. Sebagai contoh, sekiranya seseorang itu menjalankan perniagaan berbentuk perkhidmatan seperti agen insurans, agen MLM, penasihat kewangan, agen hartanah dan sebagainya...yang mempunyai kehadiran fizikal (bricks & mortar), adakah Internet dapat membantu menambahkan keuntungan perniagaan tersebut?
Jawapan saya, sudah tentunya YA!
Pengiklanan dan juga kehadiran sesuatu perniagaan perkhidmatan di Internet dapat membantu menjana keuntungan tambahan serta dapat menarik prospek yang sebelum ini tidak mengetahui tentang anda.
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh penggunaan media Internet dalam membantu usahawan-usahawan yang memiliki perniagaan berbentuk perkhidmatan:
Bayangkan sekiranya anda seorang agen insurans, atau agen MLM, atau agen haratanah, dalam masa sehari berapa ramai prospek anda boleh jumpa? Mungkin secara kasar, 3 atau 4 prospek sehari. Jumpa dua prospek sebelah pagi, dan lagi dua sebelah petang pula.
Langkah utama dalam mempunyai kehadiran di Internet adalah dengan memiliki laman web sendiri. Pengguna Internet Malaysia kini menjangkau 17 juta pengguna. Dengan penggunaaan Internet yang amat tinggi ini, tidak mustahil untuk mendapat 100-200 pelawat melawat laman web anda setiap hari (atau lebih!). Dan, lagi menyenangkan anda, anda tidak perlu keluar dari rumah!
Dengan menyediakan laman web, anda boleh meletakkan segala maklumat atau presentation perniagaan anda. Pelawat akan melawat laman anda dan mempelajari segalanya berkaitan dengan perniagaan anda. Memiliki laman web asas akan memudahkan prospek anda oleh kerana, mereka juga tidak perlu pergi ke kedai anda untuk pelajari apa yang anda sediakan.
Jawapan saya, sudah tentunya YA!
Pengiklanan dan juga kehadiran sesuatu perniagaan perkhidmatan di Internet dapat membantu menjana keuntungan tambahan serta dapat menarik prospek yang sebelum ini tidak mengetahui tentang anda.
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh penggunaan media Internet dalam membantu usahawan-usahawan yang memiliki perniagaan berbentuk perkhidmatan:
Bayangkan sekiranya anda seorang agen insurans, atau agen MLM, atau agen haratanah, dalam masa sehari berapa ramai prospek anda boleh jumpa? Mungkin secara kasar, 3 atau 4 prospek sehari. Jumpa dua prospek sebelah pagi, dan lagi dua sebelah petang pula.
Langkah utama dalam mempunyai kehadiran di Internet adalah dengan memiliki laman web sendiri. Pengguna Internet Malaysia kini menjangkau 17 juta pengguna. Dengan penggunaaan Internet yang amat tinggi ini, tidak mustahil untuk mendapat 100-200 pelawat melawat laman web anda setiap hari (atau lebih!). Dan, lagi menyenangkan anda, anda tidak perlu keluar dari rumah!
Dengan menyediakan laman web, anda boleh meletakkan segala maklumat atau presentation perniagaan anda. Pelawat akan melawat laman anda dan mempelajari segalanya berkaitan dengan perniagaan anda. Memiliki laman web asas akan memudahkan prospek anda oleh kerana, mereka juga tidak perlu pergi ke kedai anda untuk pelajari apa yang anda sediakan.
Segala maklumat perniagaan anda terkandung dalam laman web anda!
Blog, atau Web Log (anda boleh daftar secara percuma di www.blogger.com), kini menjadi trend semasa di mana sesiapa sahaja boleh mempunyai kehadiran online secara mudah. Blog boleh menjadi tempat sesiapa sahaja menulis pendapat mereka mengenai apa sahaja isu yang diinginkan. Daripada hobi, ke politik hingga ke agama.
Penggunaan blog boleh juga membantu sesuatu perniagaan dalam merapatkan lagi pengguna tersebut dengan pemilik perniagaan. Ini akan meningkatkan kredibiliti anda di ruang Internet dan mempermudahkan mengubah prospek menjadi pelanggan. Anda boleh melihat contoh blog saya di www.IrfanKhairi.com di mana saya memberi tip-tip perniagaan, kewangan dan motivasi. Di samping itu, blog digunakan untuk memperkenalkan produk-produk dan perkhidmatan Irfan Khairi Sdn Bhd kepada pelawat blog.
Seperti contoh sebelum ini, ianya tidak mustahil mendapat 100-200 pelawat blog anda setiap hari. Blog www.IrfanKhairi.com pula menerima lebih daripada 2,000 pelawat sehari. Tidak berdaya saya sendiri pergi berjumpa 2,000 prospek dalam masa sehari, tetapi, kehadiran blog saya itu membolehkan 2,000 prospek mengetahui tentang Irfan Khairi Sdn Bhd sehari.
Fikirkan bagaimana blog boleh membantu perniagaan anda. Bergantung kepada perniagaan anda, anda boleh membina blog yang memberi tip-tip menarik berkaitan dengan perniagaan dan industri anda untuk manfaat orang ramai dan membina kredibiliti dan kepercayaan kepada perniagaan yang anda jalankan
Blog, atau Web Log (anda boleh daftar secara percuma di www.blogger.com), kini menjadi trend semasa di mana sesiapa sahaja boleh mempunyai kehadiran online secara mudah. Blog boleh menjadi tempat sesiapa sahaja menulis pendapat mereka mengenai apa sahaja isu yang diinginkan. Daripada hobi, ke politik hingga ke agama.
Penggunaan blog boleh juga membantu sesuatu perniagaan dalam merapatkan lagi pengguna tersebut dengan pemilik perniagaan. Ini akan meningkatkan kredibiliti anda di ruang Internet dan mempermudahkan mengubah prospek menjadi pelanggan. Anda boleh melihat contoh blog saya di www.IrfanKhairi.com di mana saya memberi tip-tip perniagaan, kewangan dan motivasi. Di samping itu, blog digunakan untuk memperkenalkan produk-produk dan perkhidmatan Irfan Khairi Sdn Bhd kepada pelawat blog.
Seperti contoh sebelum ini, ianya tidak mustahil mendapat 100-200 pelawat blog anda setiap hari. Blog www.IrfanKhairi.com pula menerima lebih daripada 2,000 pelawat sehari. Tidak berdaya saya sendiri pergi berjumpa 2,000 prospek dalam masa sehari, tetapi, kehadiran blog saya itu membolehkan 2,000 prospek mengetahui tentang Irfan Khairi Sdn Bhd sehari.
Fikirkan bagaimana blog boleh membantu perniagaan anda. Bergantung kepada perniagaan anda, anda boleh membina blog yang memberi tip-tip menarik berkaitan dengan perniagaan dan industri anda untuk manfaat orang ramai dan membina kredibiliti dan kepercayaan kepada perniagaan yang anda jalankan
Ramai yang tanya kepada saya, yang mana penting- Laman web atau blog? Jawapannya adalah, kedua-duanya penting dan akan mampu meningkatkan prospek dan pelanggan anda. ini adalah kerana keduanya mempunyai fungsi yang berbeza.
Blog berfungsi untuk mendapatkan prospek, manakala laman web pula adalah untuk mengubahkan prospek menjadi pelanggan!
Sekiranya anda menjalankan perniagaan berbentuk MLM, anda juga boleh menggunakan Internet untuk melipatganda kan prospek dan downline anda terus daripada rumah dengan hanya menggunakan Internet. Pada Sabtu ini, saya akan menjalankan sesi seminar tertutup (terhad kepada beberapa penyertaan sahaja) khas bagi usahawan yang menjalankan perniagaan berbentuk MLM.
Artikel ini dipetik dari newsletter irfankhairi.com
Artikel ini dipetik dari newsletter irfankhairi.com
22 September 2010
Cara jana pendapatan melalui Internet #4: Mulakan perniagaan Internet hari ini tanpa modal!
Cara jana pendapatan melalui Internet #4:
Mulakan perniagaan Internet hari ini tanpa modal!
Mulakan perniagaan Internet hari ini tanpa modal!
Artikel ini dipetik dari irfankhairi.com
Adakah terdapat caranya memulakan perniagaan tanpa sebarang modal? Bunyinya agak mustahil bukan?
Artikel saya kali ini akan menunjukkan bagaimana anda boleh memulakan perniagaan Internet tak kira, menjual apa sahaja, sama ada kamera, permainan, komputer, buku, apa sahaja tanpa modal. Dan yang lagi menarik, ia boleh dilakukan hari ini!
Bagaimanakah caranya?
Caranya adalah menjalankan perniagaan berbentuk affiliate. Perniagaan affiliate dalam kata mudahnya bermaksud, anda menjual produk dan perkhidmatan perniagaan yang sedia ada, dan anda menerima komisyen atas setiap jualan.
Sebagai contoh, sekiranya anda ingin menjual kamera, anda hanya perlu sertai program affiliate perniagaan Internet yang menjual kamera, dan menjual kamera mereka. Anda akan mendapat komisyen.
Sekiranya anda ingin menjual komputer, anda hanya perlu sertai program affiliate perniagaan Internet yang menjual komputer, dan menjual komputer mereka. Anda akan mendapat komisyen.
Sekiranya anda ingin menjual buku, anda hanya perlu sertai program affiliate perniagaan Internet yang menjual buku, dan menjual buku mereka. Anda akan mendapat komisyen.
Tak kira apa sahaja produk atau perkhidmatan yang anda ingin jual di Internet, kini, terdapat berbagai-bagai program affiliate yang anda boleh sertai dan memulakan perniagaan anda!
Berminat hendak menjual kamera? Sertai program affiliate seperti Amazon.com. Berminat menjual permainan di Internet? Sertai program affiliate seperti Toys R Us. Berminat menjual buku di Internet? Sertai program affiliate seperti Barnes & Nobel.
Di atas adalah beberapa contoh sahaja perniagaan besar-besaran yang menjankan perniagaan berbentuk affiliate. Terdapat banyak lagi perniagaan yang lain yang juga turut memberi pulang komisyen yang lebih tinggi.
Program affiliate adalah percuma untuk disertai, oleh itu, tiada modal diperlukan. Apabila anda telah mendaftar secara percuma mana-mana program affiliate yang anda berminat (bukan sekadar contoh di atas sahaja), anda boleh mempromosikannya di blog, laman web, facebook dan juga email anda!
Dengan hanya menyertai progam affiliate, anda boleh memulakan perniagaan tanpa modal, hari ini!
21 September 2010
Cara jana pendapatan melalui Internet #5: 4 Langkah Memulakan Perniagaan Internet
Cara jana pendapatan melalui Internet #5:
4 Langkah Memulakan Perniagaan Internet
4 Langkah Memulakan Perniagaan Internet
Artikel ini dipetik dari irfankhairi.com
Saya mula menjalankan perniagaan Internet sejak tahun 1999, ketika itu masih lagi di United Kingdom, tahun akhir menghabiskan degree saya. Satu advantage saya berada di sana ketika itu, adalah pendedahan perniagaan Internet yang saya terima. 10 tahun lalu, di UK, perniagaan Internet telah pun menjadi popular dan ramai telah memulakannya menjalankan perniagaan kecil-kecilan dari rumah. Mana taknya, ketika itu pun, orang ramai sudah tidak lagi pergi ke pasar raya atau kedai runcit, tetapi memilih untuk membeli barang-barang runcit secara online. Termasuk saya. Perniagaan Internet adalah gaya hidup.
Di Malaysia, perniagaan Internet masih lagi baru. Dan ini memberi satu advantage pula kepada mereka yang memulakan perniagaan Internet sekarang oleh kerana pesaingan yang rendah! Sejak dulu, sehingga kini, untuk memulakan perniagaan Internet, hanya memerlukan 4 langkah yang jelas. Saya akan kongsikan keempat-empat langkah tersebut sekarang...
Langkah Pertama: Anda perlu produk!
Langkah pertama adalah anda perlu mempunyai produk untuk di jual. Produk tidak semestinya anda cipta sendiri, seperti kraftangan atau lukisan. Tetapi, anda juga boleh mendapatkan produk di pasar borong. Contohnya, sekiranya anda terjumpa produk yang anda minat di kedai seperti ukiran Al-Quran, cuba cari/dapatkan pemborong atau pengeluar produk tersebut. Seringkali maklumat pengeluar/pemborong akan tertera pada packaging sesuatu produk itu. Ataupun, sekiranya tiada, cuba lah tanya pada kedai tersebut. Mana tahu, mereka merupakan pengedar produk itu snediri dan pastinya mahu mencari usahawan-usahawan yang turut menjual dan melebarkan pasaran mereka!
Dengan mendapatkan sesuatu produk dari pengeluar atau pemborong, anda akan mendapat produk itu pada harga yang lebih murah untuk anda lakukan mark-up (tambah harga bila anda jual)
Ukiran Al-Quran di atas hanyalah sekadar contoh. Anda boleh gantikan dengan apa sahaja produk yang anda fikirkan dan minat!
Langkah Kedua: Anda perlu laman web!
Apabila telah memiliki produk seperti ukiran Al-Quran di atas, langkah seterusnya adalah anda pelu memiliki laman web. Untuk membina laman web sendiri, anda memerlukan ilmu membina laman web. Selain dari itu anda boleh mengupah web designer untuk membinakan laman web bagi anda (sekiranya anda perlukan webdesigner, boleh hubungi kami).
Tetapi, satu lagi cara anda boleh memiliki laman web adalah seperti yang telah disebutkan dalam email yang lepas- menggunakan BLOG. Perkhidmatan percuma seperti www.blogger.com boleh menghasilkan anda sebuah blog dan kini, blog telah pun diterima oleh ramai pihak sebagai medium berniaga di Internet. Dengan hanya memiliki blog, anda boleh meletakkan maklumat produk anda di blog tersebut untuk di niagakan kepada orang ramai.
Sebagai contoh, namakan blog anda seusatu yang berkaitan dengan ukiran al Quran seperti "Quran Carves", dan masukkan gambar2 ukiran al Quran anda di blog anda. Maklumat lain produk anda juga patut diberikan bersama harga, cara melakukan bayaran, dan kaedah anda melakukan penghantaran sekiranya sesiapa sahaja membeli ukiran al Quran anda!
Langkah Ketiga: Anda perlu menerima bayaran
Tentunya laman anda perlu dapat menerima bayaran kad kredit dan juga bank in daripada pelanggan.
Untuk menerima bayaran kad kredit daripada pelanggan, perkhidmatan percuma seperti PayPal.com boleh digunakan. Ya, ianya percuma. Sekiranya anda mempunyai akaun PayPal.com, anda boleh menerima bayaran kad kredit daripada pelanggan anda tak kira dari serata dunia untuk mendapatkan ukiran al Quran anda!
Jangan lupa juga, letakkan kaedah bayaran offline seperti cara membuat bayaran ke bank akaun anda sekiranya pelanggan ingin melakukan bayaran secara bank-in.
Dengan dua kaedah terima bayaran ini, anda boleh menjalankan perniagaan di Internet!
Langkah keempat: Promosi, Promosi dan Promosi
Langkah seterusnya dan langkah yang perlu di lakukan berterusan adalah promosi laman web anda. Tak kira betapa hebat produk, dan laman web anda, tetapi anda tidak lakukan promosi, maka, tiada siapa akan tahu tentang perniagaan Internet anda bukan?
Anda perlu melakukan promosi laman web anda untuk menarik pelawat ke laman web/blog anda yang menjual ukiran Al Quran tersebut!
Promosi boleh dilakukan menggunakan enjin pencari, meletakkan iklan banner di laman lain, dan juga pertukaran link. Terdapat berbagai-bagai cara promosi perniagaan Internet anda dan terdapat juga ebook yang kongsikan kaedah-kaedah promosi perniagaan Internet anda. Tidak kira apa pun perniagaan Internet anda, promosi adalah kunci kejayaan sesuatu perniagaan Internet.
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